Home Condiments Honey White Wine Lavender Vinaigrette

Honey White Wine Lavender Vinaigrette

by Ann

Honey White Wine Lavender Vinaigrette ~ Sumptuous Spoonfuls #salad dressing #recipe

Have you ever wanted to cook with lavender? Grow lavender? I have been trying both for two years now. Last year, my plants didn’t get very big. I only got a couple blossoms and I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them, so really all my efforts were in vain because I never used my precious lavender plants.

This year, I fertilized them! They grew quite a bit bigger (though nowhere near the size you see in the pictures) and there are several blossoms. I vowed I wasn’t going to let my “crop” go to waste this time. Silly me, I never thought to use those lovely leaves in my cooking last year! I knew they were edible and I knew you COULD use them, but somehow I didn’t get around to it until after the season was over and my beloved lavender plants were buried under the snow.

Lavender sounded like the perfect thing to “dress up” a salad dressing, so I decided to try it in my honey white wine vinaigrette because there’s a particular salad I have in mind for it. It tastes light and floral and delightful. Just perfect for my pear salad … I think it would be really good as a chicken or seafood marinade as well.

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Honey White Wine Lavender Vinaigrette ~ Sumptuous Spoonfuls #salad dressing #recipe

Honey White Wine Lavender Vinaigrette

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes


  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoons honey
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons spicy brown mustard
  • A sprig of fresh lavender leaves, chopped fine (about 1/2 teaspoon)
  • 1 clove of garlic, peeled and chopped fine
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


  1. In a bowl, whisk together all ingredients except the olive oil.
  2. While whisking, pour a thin stream of olive oil into the dressing. Whisk a bit more to make sure everything is good and mixed.
  3. Store in a sealed bottle in the fridge for up to a month.


RECIPE SOURCE: http://www.sumptuousspoonfuls.com/

© Copyright 2013, Sumptuous Spoonfuls. All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to publish any of my images, please ask first. If you want to republish this recipe as your own, please re-write the recipe in your own words or link back to this post for the recipe.

Honey White Wine Lavender Vinaigrette ~ Sumptuous Spoonfuls #salad dressing #recipe

This recipe was shared at Scrumptious Sunday and What to Do Weekends.

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a quiet life September 30, 2013 - 8:45 am

i have loads of lavender and love cooking with it, but i must say i like your addition of rice vinegar, sounds like a super recipe. if you want other ideas look at my blog index under lavender. THE best cookbook i have ever found is the lavender cookbook by sharon shipley, fabulous recipes to expand your palette, run to buy that book!

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